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Greetings, Dear Lords!
It's announcement time! Yes, Wartune new patch is coming very soon!
With the 10th Anniversary about to knock on the door, Patch 11.5 will also be launched to add more fun to the festivities.
The first new feature to introduce is the new system — Warspirit. Wartune folklore holds it that the fall of the great warrior Theseus left not only his powerful armor pieces but also his mighty spirit, which has been wandering around Nature, Void and Heaven since antiquity. The great energy lingering within is so powerful that the elements of the world have been greatly affected. After ages of absorbing the energy, different elements started to take shapes, which were later discovered and named Warspirit by people in Wartune. Attracted by the power of Warspirit, warriors all over the world have been ever so passionate about them.
Along with Warspirit, we will also see a new PvP event — Theseus Arena. As it indicates literally, Theseus Arena is a PvP event revolving around Theseus, and of cause, Warspirit will be involved as well. What is the role Warspirit will play in Theseus Arena? Feel free to share your views in the comment section.
Well, above is some intel on the 2 new features in Patch 11.5, we hope you like them!
Make sure to follow our FB, warriors. More patch details are on the way!