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New Return Event

author:7road| time:2022-08-25| view:19251

[Unlocking Condition]

1. Event Requirement: During the event, the returning players who have not been playing Wartune for more than 14 days & level reaches 80 will be labeled as The Returner, while the other players will be labeled as The Eternal.

2. Event Entrance: During the event, the returning players can enter the event through “The Returner” top icon, and the other players can enter the event through “The Eternal” icon.


1. Opening Hours: The duration of the event is 14 days, after which the Event Shop will remain open for 7 days.

2. Returner Quest and Milestone

Returner Quest is exclusive to the returning players, and The Returner can complete Returner Quest every day to obtain returner points.When a certain number of points are earned, players will receive Daily Chest reward, Weekly Chest reward and Milestone reward. Daily Chest Progress is cleared daily, and Weekly Chest Progress is cleared at the end of the seventh day of the event, while Milestone Progress is accumulated during the event.

3. Alliance

(1) Forming Alliance: The Returner and The Eternal can form the Alliance on the alliance interface. The Returner can only ally with one Eternal, and The Eternal can ally with three returning players.

(2) Alliance Power: After The Returner and The Eternal formed the Alliance, Alliance Power is formed. There are 9 levels of Alliance Power, and for each level of progress, players can receive alliance rewards and alliance buffs. Players can upgrade Alliance Power by completing Divine Quest and Ally Quest.

(3) Divine Quest: Divine Quest is a cumulative quest, with a total of 14 sets of quests, and each set of quests has 3 levels. The completion of previous level will unlock the next level. Divine Quest can only be completed once during the event. By completing Divine Quest, The Returner will be rewarded with Divine EXP and Return Credit, while The Eternal will be rewarded with Divine EXP and Eternal Credit.

(4) Ally Quest: Ally Quest refreshes daily. By completing Ally Quest, The Returner will be rewarded with Alliance EXP and Return Credit, while The Eternal will be rewarded with Alliance EXP and Eternal Credit.

Note: Alliance Power EXP = The Returner Divine EXP + The Returner Alliance EXP + The Eternal Divine EXP + The Eternal Alliance EXP

4. Event Shop: The Returner can exchange for items with Return Credit in Return Shop, while The Eternal can exchange for items with Eternal Credit in Eternal Shop.

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